Saturday, August 1, 2009

Concierto de MBV


Estoy realmente tratando de mantener las analogías sexuales lejos de esta descripción... pero debo admitir que es literalmente imposible no conectar las dos sensaciones. No sólo me refiero al acto sexual como experiencia física y vital; me refiero al acto sexual como sutil saboreo de la Muerte.

Ver a My Bloody Valentine en vivo es un seductor paseo por la línea entre la vida y la muerte, el cielo y el infierno, la ternura y la agresión. MBV nos hace entender que en este mundo los opuestos siempre coexisten... y el opuesto del amor es el odio... el del placer es el dolor. Los "ear-plugs" a la entrada del concierto te lo recuerdan. Las dulces melodías bajo nubes de "ruido" lo enfatizan.

Jamás pensé que el sonido pudiera atacarme físicamente...
Jamás pensé que sentiría una brisa emitida por parlantes...

Lo auditivo se hizo táctil.
El sonido tiene ahora masa y volumen.

No paré de moverme. MBV me zarandeó... me acarició... me enterró... me hizo volar... Todo a la vez.

Creo que éste ha sido el mejor concierto de mi vida... hasta esa próxima vez que MBV me haga nadar en su diáfana nubosidad.

The Holocaust PartI

The Holocaust Part II

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Colleen - I'll Read you a Story

Colleen (aka Cécile Schott):

That track also makes me think of a trip to the moon or something; on the other hand, I made the reference to coral because it makes me think of a trip underwater. In addition, when I attended a gamelan performance about two years ago in Paris, the performance began with this really large gong strike and hearing all the reverberations that remained afterwards was a powerful shock that stayed with me long after.

Taking lessons in Baroque music taught me to pay more attention to musical phrases. My music before was this kind of thing that rolled forward, and left little space for silence; I came to realize the beauty in playing something and letting it die, and then starting something else as a continuity and having that breathing space. The advantage of not working with a looping aesthetic is that, if you play in a more minimal way without looping yourself, either on the computer or with some pedals, then you can let the notes and melody expire and then take it to an entirely different place musically and melodically.”

Complete interview: click here

Friday, April 18, 2008

Some Men - Darkel

Some men wait for jesus and god
Some men have stopped waiting
I’ve been waiting for you for so long
And now the wind sends you to me
We are sailors for sure
I’m not living for nothing any more

Some men wait for jesus and god
Some men have stopped waiting
I’ve been waiting for you for so long

We are in bed
And that’s the best
That’s the best place i know
Are you awake ?
Your eyes are wide open
You say : « take me, just do it once »
I try to do my best
Isn’t it pretty
The way you’re coming ?

Some men wait for jesus and god
Some men have stopped waiting
I’ve been waiting for you for so long

I’m not living for nothing any more
I’m not living for nothing any more
I’m not living for nothing any more…

Friday, March 7, 2008

La Objetividad no existe, pero es un Norte en la brújula.

El romanticismo es una actitud política peligrosa. La historia lo ha comprobado... América Latina necesita poner el corazón un poquito en "off" para encontrar soluciones.

No subestimo el saber adquirido a través del sentimiento... Siempre es humano sentir y emitir opiniones a través de las emociones. Lo que dudo es que ese pueda ser el único termómetro para evaluar situaciones que requieran el uso de la cabeza. La objetividad exige canales "más limpios" que la mirada subjetiva y polarizada del corazón.

De verdad que no quisiera darle la razón a un filósofo alemán, quién asegura que en el calor del trópico no se puede pensar.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


The Story Of An Artist
by Dan Johnston

Listen up and I'll tell a story
About an artist growing old
Some would try for fame and glory
Others aren't so bold

Everyone, and friends and family
Saying, "Hey! Get a job!"
"Why do you only do that only?
Why are you so odd?
We don't really like what you do.
We don't think anyone ever will.
It's a problem that you have,
And this problem's made you ill."

Listen up and I'll tell a story
About an artist growing old
Some would try for fame and glory
Others aren't so bold

The artist walks alone
Someone says behind his back,
"He's got his gall to call himself that!
He doesn't even know where he's at!"
The artist walks among the flowers
Appreciating the sun
He does this all his waking hours
But is it really so wrong?

They sit in front of their TV
Saying, "Hey! This is fun!"
And they laugh at the artist
Saying, "He doesn't know how to have fun."
The best things in life are truly free
Singing birds and laughing bees
"You've got me wrong", says he.
"The sun don't shine in your TV"

Listen up and I'll tell a story
About an artist growing old
Some would try for fame and glory
Others aren't so bold

Everyone, and friends and family
Saying, "Hey! Get a job!"
"Why do you only do that only?
Why are you so odd?
We don't really like what you do.
We don't think anyone ever will.
It's a problem that you have,
And this problem's made you ill."

Listen up and I'll tell a story
About an artist growing old.
Some would try for fame and glory
Others just like to watch the world.